Friday 18 March 2011

Recovery in Tendo

The sun rises on another day after the quake. Perhaps the clear sky was a sign of good things.

In the distance you can just make out a rescue helicopter flying across the sky. The effort to save others continues.

I managed to find some milk and Yuuri found some eggs and bread. Things were looking better although still no kerosene or petrol.

On tv we saw shelters for evacuees. They had food but no fuel to keep warm. People are dying in shelters because they have no heaters.

It was nice to see the sun today but I wish it could shine just a little harder and warm those trapped in freezing conditions.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our hearts are with the people of Japan, and I know many families out here who would be great hosts to those who just want to take a break from it all. People should not feel that they need to remain in contaminated areas to weather the radiation.

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