Tuesday 15 March 2011

Fire at the nuclear power plant

The Japanese prime minister has just announced the importance of people to evacuate the 20km zone around the number 1 Fukushima power plant.

People in the 30km radius should remain indoors.

The number 4 reactor has caught fire. We don't know how long it will take to extinguish.

Number 2 exploded and a small amount of radiation is escaping. Some of the containment vessel was damaged.

Numbers 1,2 and 3 are still being cooled by water and working effectively. They need to maintain this cooling and combat the fire in number 4.

The levels if radiation can affect human life. The 800 staff at the power plant has been evacuated except for those involved in the cooling.

Everyone should remain indoors. People should keep laundry indoors and not use extractors.

Some believe people in the 30km radius should evacuate. The government say further is always better. Please everyone get as far as possible. The further you are the further the radiation is diluted.

My advice is for everyone to wear masks and gloves. Please cover yourselves if it rains.

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