Monday 29 October 2007

Nova, ECC, AEON....

Bad bad news, I didn't get the job at ECC :(

I don't think it helped being an hour and forty-five minutes late but the signals went down in Birmingham and my train was stuck.

The worst part was I was stuck in London for 6 hours which meant I had been up since 4am and didn't get back home until 1am and was back at work for 10am.

Well I've rested up and on Sunday 4th November I have an interview with AEON. This should last 2 days. I shall come to London a day early and stay in a hotel.

From what I can see about the interview, I will have to watch a presentation about the company followed by some Q&A. Later I will have to submit my 30min lesson plan and perform 5mins of it, this will be part of the group interview.

I think that should be all for the first day, the second day will consist of another lesson but this time using one of their lesson plans and given 5mins to plan it out and perform it to the interview team who will take on the role of students. This will be tough for a first timer but not impossible.

Finally an interview is conducted in the traditional one to one way. I'm not sure how tough this final interview is but I'll stay prepared.

I have had to write a page on why I want to live and work in Japan which I submitted to get the interview. Since I got the interview they must have liked it.

I should also point out at this time Nova has filed for Bankruptcy and so the beast has finally fallen. I'm along way beyond Nova and missed it by an inch but I must be more careful.

Anyway AEON Nov 4th !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your interview on the 4th GT!


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